This research aims to develop new and innovative responses to the use of e-cigarettes and other novel tobacco products and make recommendations for interventions and services to prevent uptake, delay first use, and reduce nicotine addiction among young people (13-17 years) in Western Australia.
The objectives are:
1. Document existing e-cigarette and other novel tobacco product prevention strategies, cessation support, activities and policies operating in (Western) Australia, and other high-income countries.
2. Determine the factors (i.e., individual, interpersonal, organisational, community, societal) associated with e-cigarette and other novel tobacco product access and use by young people in (Western) Australia, and other high-income countries.
3. Determine parental and high school professionals’ knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about e-cigarettes and other novel tobacco products and their role in preventing/facilitating uptake among young people in (Western) Australia, and other high-income countries.
4. Co-design with young people recommendations for potential intervention/s and/or education campaigns to prevent e-cigarette and other novel tobacco product appeal, access and uptake.
5. Co-design with end-users' appropriate recommendations (educational, regulatory, organisational, policy) to prevent e-cigarette and other novel tobacco product appeal, access and uptake among young people in (Western) Australia.