This research aims to understand who, how and what influences the advertising and promotion of e-cigarette and other novel tobacco products on Instagram and TikTok to inform practice and policy regarding direct and indirect e-cigarette advertising on social media.
The objectives are to:
1. Determine how e-cigarettes and other novel tobacco products are being advertised and promoted on Instagram and TikTok.
2. Identify ‘leading’ e-cigarette and other novel tobacco products promoting accounts on Instagram and TikTok.
3. Determine if current Instagram and TikTok e-cigarette and other novel tobacco products advertising and promotion policies are being adhered to by social media users.
4. Inform Australian public policy and practice in relation to e-cigarette and other novel tobacco products advertising, promotion and endorsement on Instagram and TikTok.
5. Inform the development of global policies for users of social media for e-cigarette and other novel tobacco products advertising and promotion.
6. Collaborate with state, national and international agencies to disseminate findings and stimulate discussion to support effective policy implementation.